Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Blessings In The Mist Of A Bad Day Filled With Chaos we made it in one piece to our new apartment here in Harlowton, MT minus one crock shoe of Makala's.  We hope it blesses whoever finds it in southern Colorado.  :)  So she has new ones that are pinker than the old ones.  Yay!!  :)

So, our first full day of unpacking wasn't a good one.  It was one of those days that every little thing that can go wrong will.  I'm not talking about big things...just little everyday things like you baby spits up on  you in church and the next day pees all over your really nice you're left looking like a frumpy mom.  You you can't hold on to anything to save your life or you loose or break your favorite thing in the world.  Or you'd give anything if you could just have the ability to communicate clearly with your better half because if you have one more misunderstand you're gonna just give up on everything and go back to bed hoping when you wake up everything will be right...including your car's A/C will be working again.  :)  

This is why I believe God allows us to see the good in the mist of the chaos of life.  With everything that went wrong I was reminded that we have the nicest place in Harlowton...albeit it is a retirement community basically, but it has a yard, a garage, slip proof shower (no chuckles please...I got in trouble for sharing that funny story...sorry babe!), the girls have a huge room with a huge closet (we thought about making the closet Raquel's room...but no windows, so nope), nice carpet...really nice carpet, and a vaulted ceiling...what more could we ask for?  Perhaps a back door...he, he, he.  

I'm longing for the day when there aren't any boxes to crawl over, but at the same time knowing that we have no idea how long we will be here is hard.  I don't really want to take out anything extra from the boxes just to pack up in a couple of months.  :)  But then again we have such a nice place...and a pretty good view if you get in the right spot...that I'm not sure I would want to leave for a bigger place.  Right now I'm not really sacrificing much in the way of comfort in my home with the exception of my kitchen...our new one is about 1/3 what we had but we don't have retarded it's not sooooo bad, like I said not much of a sacrifice so far.  The only other thing we are sacrificing right now is that Montana (our cat) has to be at Ryan's parents and that is more of a blessing and answer to prayer because I'm not having to de-fur everything again.  I love her and miss her.  But it's nice to not have the fur ball furring up my home.  Though I do still find myself looking for her when I see a shadow out of my I still miss her as I said.  

But despite everything the apartment is coming together nicely.  I hope to post pics here very soon, so you all can see how beautiful it is up here.  Hope all is well with you all...until next time.  Later!

1 comment:

Jaime said...

I'm glad you made it safe and sound (and, really, only one croc short isn't too bad!) :-)

I hope the unpacking goes well and quickly and that things settle in easily.

I hope you keep updating the blog!