Monday, May 19, 2008

Who Likes Change?

Psalm 62:1

My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him.

Hebrews 6:10

"God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them."

These scriptures were on my facebook page, and they spoke to me.  Today I am facing one of the biggest changes in my life.  We are moving forward with plans to move to Montana and for me this is huge!  I've always lived in Texas with the exception of one summer and in those few months I was sooooo homesick for Texas.  I know that there will be much that I will miss, but I've chosen to look at it as having the opportunity to experience things that I can't in snowy mountains!  :)  This life is going to be so different and this both excites and scares me.  There's so many unknowns which gives us opportunity to take our trust in God to the next level which both excites and scares me too!  :)

These scriptures reminded me that my focus in this endeavor should be on God and remember that He is faithful, trustworthy, and always working things for the good of his children.  So even though I struggle with what I will lose by moving on to do what's best for my family that God will provide just as he did before.  I just have to trust in what I can't see from where I'm sitting at the moment.  And in the end it will be awesome!


Leslie said...

Ok - I've been thinking that you, Joy and I need to get together once you got back from Montana - now I KNOW we need to :)

I've always known you would move to Montana eventually!

Jaime said...

Oh, wow. That's unexpected! I guess for you, too. I hope all the details come together with no stress! So, does Ryan have a job lined up already? Or is it just in the near future?

Anita Dick said...

Um...yes. Ryan will work with his dad until he figures out what he wants to be when he grows up...or something like that. There's a couple of jobs at the windmills in town, but we are still working on getting the details. There are lots of odd jobs around and since he is well known, he'd get first pick. Mostly we are just trusting God to work out the details since we feel this is what our family needs right now. It's exciting, but makes you nervous because of the unknown at the same time. God is always faithful to finish what he has started in each of us. :)